Looking to Hire?
Hire Globally!

With a large number of verified and skilled candidates on Opentoworld, you can easily find and hire the right talent for your business.

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From Top Universities
From Top Corporates

Hire Graduates from Top Universities

Many of our job seekers are alumni or current students from some of the world's top universities, bringing with them not only high-calibre academic backgrounds but also innovative ideas and fresh perspectives. By choosing Opentoworld for your recruitment needs, you gain access to a diverse range of candidates who are equipped with the skills and knowledge to drive your organisation forward. Opentoworld empowers recruiters to connect with not just any talent, but the best talent.

From Top Universities

Hire Employees from Top Companies

On Opentoworld, you can tap into a vast network of professionals. Many of our job seekers are current or ex-employees of some of the world's leading organisations, bringing a wealth of experience and industry insights to the table. By leveraging Opentoworld for your hiring needs, you gain the opportunity to engage with candidates who have proven track records in high-performing environments. On Opentoworld, you can have access to a dynamic pool of candidates, each equipped with the expertise and real-world experience to contribute significantly to your organisation's success.

From Top Corporates

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I search for candidates on this site?
Are the candidates vetted or verified?
Can I save and organise candidate profiles for future reference?
Is there a fee associated with accessing candidate profiles?
Can I contact candidates directly from the platform?
How updated are the candidate profiles?
Do candidates have access to see who views their profiles?
What kind of industries or roles are most prevalent on your platform?
How does the platform ensure data privacy and security?
I need assistance with my search. Do you offer support?


As an international student, after graduating from university in the UK, I struggled to find a job in my field, which is medical science. So I decided to look for jobs in other countries too. As I needed a visa to work abroad, Opentoworld has been invaluable in my job application journey. I have now got a graduate job with visa sponsorship in a pharmaceutical company in the Netherlands. I highly recommend Opentoworld to others.

Jin W.
From the UK to the Netherlands
Jin W.
Erika J.
Mehmet M.
Animesh S.
Daniel S.

Got More Questions?

Our dedicated FAQs page provides answers to many of your questions. If your questions are not answered there or if you want to discuss anything further, please feel free to contact our lovely support team.